New York

Space-themed virtual world

Pineapple This is a virtual world, I created using unity. This project consists of 3D models made from blender as well as scanned objects from the surrounding. Similarly, the signs that we can see in the virtual world was created using Fusion 360 and Adobe Dimension to make it AR compataible. Using, the particle system from unity I was able to create spaceship flying simulation and triger sounds throughout the environment.

This was a group project. 4 memebers including myself created their own quadrant of dome. I was the producer and lead-unity developer so I created all the trigers, animation and skybox in this space-themed virtual environment.

Pineapple This is my quadrant called "WASTELAND". I themed it in a sense that when human civilization starts living up in space, after certian decades. The space would also be a wastland as we humans are known to trash the place where we live. So, this quadrant represents the life after space colonization have taken place.

I intentionally kept some old buildings as well as modern space building side to side to represent the evolution of humans race. Also, the giant gate at the entrance is from my university SJSU, which is 3D scanned and remeshed it in blender. Similarly, I wanted to incorporate "DOGECOIN" as the meme coin had exploded it price to the moon. So, as the reference to Elon Musk supporting dogecoing and the price fluctutaion.

Some of the artworks created for this projects


The entrance gate inspired by the Nepalese weapon called "Khukuri". I decided to use it since it incorporates all the important history and culture of who I am and where I am from.


This is my spaceship which I created using blender. Then I animated the fly simulation using particle system in unity


With the current situation of "STONK" in the stock market. I wanted to bring in the meme coin into my world

Here is the link to the space theme environment